When I arrived at school I was still thinking about the word encourage... I decided to use it for my morning writing. The topic was... "Who encourages you...." As you can see from the picture.
So I wrote it on the morning letter with the definition of encourage: to inspire with confidence; give hope or courage to
Most of the kids quickly got to work and when they left to go to fine arts I told them to leave their writing journals open on their desk so I could read their amazing work.... Now I know this isn't the best picture... But, if you look closely it says... (I fixed his spelling for you below)
"Trey encourages me"
so Miss Poundstone tries but no use. My friend Trey is the one who encourages me. He has been with me since kindergarten, first grade, and second grade....
I just about died laughing.... at least I TRY to encourage all of my students.. Doesn't mean I actually do it :)