Monday, June 25

Math Monsters

Math Monsters multiplication
Ever since I first began teaching and I saw the adorable Multiplication Monsters at my local teacher store, I've ALWAYS wanted to buy them. Once I moved to third grade that was my first purchase.I just think they are so cute and very easy for the students to read. After having those I decided that I would do a "Monster" theme for my math materials.

I saw these cute Tattle Monsters on Pinterest, I don't really need those with my third graders so I decided to use them for math storage. Once I made a few and brought them in the kids seemed way more interested in going to math centers.. That got my brain moving even more and I created the gallon jug monsters to hold various other math games and cards. These are an adorable addition to my classroom... Extremely easy to make and fun for the kids.. perfect. :)
I didn't make a tutorial, but for any questions please ask!

Tuesday, February 21

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

I came across this amazing blog when I was searching through Pinterest one night and saw the initials, RAOK. I had no idea what it was so of course I immediately Googled it. It stands for –Random Acts of Kindness.
Now this particular blog was about a woman who was doing a Random Act of Kindness each day until the countdown of her birthday. Whatever age you were turning that is how many days you would do a RAOK. For example, I am turning 28 on July 15th. So on June 18th I will begin my RAOK countdown till my birthday. The idea is that every day, all across the globe 19 MILLION people share a birthday. What if every single day people from every nation used his or her birthday to do something different...something for someone else?
I sat there and pondered on the idea for a minute, thought about things I’ve done that I thought were kind, thought about times when I should of done something but just didn’t. It really got me thinking. I love to be inspired, and I loved this idea so much that I couldn’t wait until June to begin. I decided that I would just do little acts here and there which I have been doing for the last month. Then I made a bulletin board in my classroom counting down till the FCAT- the scariest test EVER, which they are taking in about 7 weeks. Then it hit me, I decided that I would do a countdown till the end of school. If you are a teacher you know you are already counting down the days until June 8th
So this is where my journey begins, each week until the last week of school I will make sure I complete a RAOK. It could be for:
A friend in need.
A neighbor.
A stranger.
A co-worker.
The person in line behind you at the store, the coffee shop, the drive-thru.
WHOEVER!! Just anyone that you can help brightens his or her day.
My goal is to document each act, whether by a photo of the person enjoying it, the item, and the idea, whatever it is. I hope to have some really memorable photos at the end. I truly can’t wait to start my RAOK, 16 weeks until the end of schools.
Check back soon for more updates and of my first act!!

Thursday, February 9

Time flies......

Hi friends!! Wow, not sure where I have been the last few months.. With the holidays, work, my other work, FCAT, and some friend time I barely have time for anything else.

The last few months have been good. Thanksgiving came and went, Christmas came and went... Kelly's one year anniversary came and went.

Decemeber 22 was the one year anniversary of my best friends death. It was just a surreal day. I felt at peace.. It was nice to know and be reminded that she is enjoying her life up in heaven and it reminded me of all the things that have happened over the past year. <3  I would give anything to have her back, but my life has changed so much over the past year I am forever thankful for her.... Promise to write more soon!