Wednesday, September 14

Here's YOUR chance to make a difference...

I'm always looking for ways to change the world.. Being one person its hard to change everyone... But what if you could make a difference in just one persons life.. YOU CAN!
On Friday, you can make a difference and show a stranger that you care about them. It might just be the thing that lifts them up on a bad day or gives them hope when they feel like there is no where else to turn. Please consider joining WAYFM and myself in doing the Drive Thru Difference. It's the simplest way to give back to your community and to make a difference in someones day. This little act of kindness and love will impact people and point them to Jesus. <3

Here's how it works:

  • PRINT out this note explaining why you did what you did in the drive thru.
  • VISIT a local restaurant or coffee place or whatever, with a drive thru.
  • ORDER your food and then when you pull around to the window offer to...
  • PAY for the car behind you.
  • GIVE the person at the window the note you printed out. They will give it to the car behind you.
  • THANK God you were given a chance to touch a life.

I can't wait to send out some love and eat my Egg McMuffin on Friday morning. I hope you will do the same and let me know how it goes! Happy Hump Day :)

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