Thursday, November 3


DIY. Love this for my home one day
I just made one just like this for my door. Super cute! :)
I love this website.. I may be a little obsessed. You can literally type in anything and you will get tons of ideas. It is especially a great resource for teachers, there are so many creative ideas you can easily implement in your classroom. I have so many friends asking me where I get ideas from.. This site is it!! Check it out :)

You will need to set up an account.. Make sure to follow me!!! Some ideas I have stolen are below.
Pinned Image
Perfect for easy storage :) Cute too!!
Styrofoam sand dollar
Yet another reason why I love Styrofoam :)

Sunday, October 30

Update: Tithing Challenge

So I wanted to give you a little update on life. Two weeks ago I decided to take the 3 month tithing pledge with Christ Fellowship. I committed to giving 10% of what I make to them- and they promised I would see results from God. Now, to say I was skeptical is kind of an understatement.. but I guess with that guarantee I just had to try it. Now, tithing is something that I have always struggled with. It's so hard to give up money, especially when you don't make much and you have bills to pay.  I don't really know how to explain why I finally decided to take the challenge. It was just something I decided to do on my way to work that day....

Well two weeks in I can already see God blessing me. I finally found a roommate and she is fantastic. I'm so thankful that it didn't work out with all the other people I spoke with. She is sweet, funny, caring, and has the cutest taste! I love my home so much more now that she is in it.  She also happens to have the most adorable dog named Brody. I've always loved that name, maybe because Brody Jenner is so darn good looking!! But regardless they make such a lovely edition to the house. I feel very thankful for her :)

Next, I was asked to be the co-team leader for third grade on Friday. Ahh! Yay!!!!! Now, to some it may sound stupid... it's more work, more responsibility and barely any more money, but I feel so lucky. I take it as such a compliment and it's really nice to know that your hard work has paid off. I have worked extremely hard to get where I'm now and it feels really nice to be recognized. Very thankful for my job and the lovely people I work with.
The best part about it is that it does come with a little raise, and when I say little.. I mean little. But, it just proved how God does come through to those who believe and are faithful to Him. I have been giving money away each week and God just found a way to give me more back each week. It's truly funny how he works.

Lastly, I will be heading back to the Reef Grill this week. I promised myself that I won't be working as much as last year- I swear I won't! But, it is nice to have the opportunity to be able to go back after not working there for about 5 months. Especially around the holiday season. It's a nice way to make some extra money. :) Come see me for drinks!

Time for bed.. it's actually 10:08- I should of been in bed an hour ago :) I will keep you posted on how God continues to bless me. xo!

Wednesday, October 19

DIY- baby shower ideas :)

So did you know that I love crafts?! Ha, just kidding... but seriously, I would soooo rather make something myself then buy something at the store. I'm always trying to find new cute ideas that I can use again and again... My newest crafting attempt was for a sweet co-worker of mine who is having a baby girl. She knows how crafty I am so if I were to buy her something it just wouldn't feel right. :)

I tried to think of something that was cute, semi- inexpensive and something she would be able to use. I saw the cupcake wash cloth idea on pinterest so I decided to try it.
I simply bought a few wash cloths and some onesies from Target. Then I bought some adorable cupcake liners and used the ribbon and other items that I already had at home.
I folded the shirts then took some ribbon and tied it around the bottom.
Lastly, I took some scrapbook accents and put them on top and I took some smaller ribbon and tied in around the whole cupcake to hold in together.

 Final product turned out really cute if I do say so myself. :) I tried to recreate the idea of a bakery box with this white folding box. I then used the ribbon on the top box for a little more color. Easy Peasy!!!

Monday, October 17

What if the trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?

I was baptised in May 2010.. I was saved.. At the time I was very curious about God, but wasn't sure if I needed Him or wanted Him in my life. I had a few good friends at the time that encouraged me to grow closer to the Lord. I started to attend church regularly. I started to stay in instead of going out on the weekends drinking with friends. It was a very rough time for me, inside I was growing- I was happy, but my relationships suffered. My friends didn't understand my sudden change to stay in, to get more involved with church etc. I was called a "Jesus Freak" by so called close friends. I was being made fun of for my bible verse facebook status and more importantly, I was being made fun of for making a VERY personal choice of choosing not to have sex. My close friend, Kelly was one of the only people who had my back from day one. She would defend me to so called friends, respect my wishes to stay in, and was very willing to learn about what I was going through. At the time I was under the impression that I was choosing to find God.... I was wrong. God found me, he saved me- knowing that I would need him more then anything in the up coming months.

Fast forward to August 2010. My best friend Kelly was diagnosed with cancer. When she told me what was going on I was so shocked. I literally felt dead inside. I immediately wanted to know everything. I probably spent the next 48 hours crying and on Google. She was 27, healthy, non-smoker, active and she had 4 types of cancer inside her, killing her. The next few months were tortured for her. She shut down, was in horrible pain and gave up. The girl who always had so much spunk was defeated. It was the saddest thing I have ever witnessed. She went through chemo, lost her hair, about 30 pounds, and was angry at the world. I thought about her constantly and did everything that she would let me do, but it never felt like it was enough. Not knowing what to do with the anger and sadness I worked and worked and worked. I taught full time during the day and worked at a bar five nights a week. I gave myself projects like redecorating each room in my house- paint, new furniture, new everything.

Moving forward again to December 2010. Kelly had seemed to be doing better, she went back to work for a few weeks, but she was so closed off to the world- even me. I never really knew what was truly going on with her diagnoses. It was finally holiday break, a Friday night and I was having my annual Cookie Exchange party. Kelly had planned on attending, but hours before she told me she wasn't up to it. I was so disappointed, but all I remember was talking about her throughout the night with my friends.. Missing her so much. That was the last time we talked. I remember telling her I loved her, and that I wish she could of came.. I told her that everyone was thinking of her and that we all wished she was there. I hadn't seen Kelly since Halloween night.  The next day I went with my family to Harry Potter world in Orlando. I remember texting her pictures of HP world and telling her how much I missed her. She never responded, but that was sometimes normal.
This was the last picture we took together. It was a unforgettable night. Kelly was about to start losing her hair and was freaked out about wearing a wig. I decided to wear clip on bangs out to see if anyone could even notice- no one did! Even though she thought I was crazy, I know she appreciated it more than I will ever know. <3

Once I got back and I still couldn't get in touch with her so I emailed her sister in law through facebook. That's when I found out the devastating news that my friend wasn't going to be getting better. She was dying, admitted into hospice- just waiting to die. I'll spare you the details of the next few days... It was the worst week of my life. Waiting for someone to die was such a morbid thought. All I can remember was days of crying on the couch, barely eating, and not being able to be alone.  I had some amazing support from two amazing women, Whitney and Carly. Without them I don't know what I would of done. They were there for me all hours of the day, whatever I needed they were there.

On December 22, 2010 around 1 in the afternoon Kelly joined God in heaven. This was 5 months since the day she found out she had cancer.. Five months and she was gone.

Not a day goes by without me thinking of her. She changed my life. She made me the person I am today, a better person. I would give anything to have her back- to have just five minutes with her would be incredible.

God works in mysterious ways, we know this... Why did he take Kelly, we will never know. But after so much devastation you are forced to make a choice. You become bitter, angry, you lash out or, you take the experiences in your life and try to help someone else. Now, I didn't know which choice I was making when I made it... but I can say I have never felt so proud of a choice I made. Over the last few months God has been using me to help others. I pray that He brings people into my life that need encouragment, love, and God's word. The response has been overwhelming. I constantly feel the Lord placing certain people on my heart and I know I need to spend some time with that person and do everything and anything I can to be an encouraging light when they are surrounded with darkness. It has been the most rewarding part of my life. I have never felt so much joy from doing things for other people. I have never received so much happiness like the feelings I have now.  I'm truly blessed.

After the last few life changing months, I have finally decided to put my money where my heart and mouth is and today I joined the Tithing 310 Challenge. Where you tithe the first 10% of the money you earn for three months. After the 3 months, if you don't feel like God has been blessing you then they will refund the money to you. I don't make much, and I would be lying if I told you that giving up that 10% each paycheck wasn't a concern to me. I do have bills to pay obviously. But after putting in my card information and submitting click I felt good. I felt at ease.
In December it will be a year since she passed..  Over the past year there has been countless nights up crying, countless smiles, countless opportunities to help someone in need and countless thankful prayers to God. I have never been so thankful for a tragedy in my life and I feel blessed to know that I have a best friend in heaven looking out for me.
Loving you Kelly Anne!

Sunday, October 16

Dead Words

If you know me well enough you know I love the holidays. Putting up decorations is something that I have enjoyed since I was little. Now that I have my own classroom it was obvious I would have to decorate it too! Before I put anything up I asked the class if they would like a few Halloween decorations and of course they said yes! I added some cute table clothes, we wrote spooky stories and I covered them in spider webs. Lastly,  I put a few pumpkins and rats around the room-- the rats have got to be their favorite. :)
The last touch was something that a co-worker told me about.  When you read the students writing they constantly use the same words... "It was so fun" "My friend is nice" My mom is pretty and she is nice"

After a while it gets to be so annoying. So I decided to put up a "dead word wall." We put up "dead" words that the students can't use in their writing anymore. On top I put... Here lies some great words that were used to death! The kids really loved that part. Then I put the student in groups and they looked up words that they could use instead. It turned out so cute! Here is a picture of the dead word all. I still need to take a picture of the wall with the new words up. Such a cute idea!!!

Sunday, October 2

Crazy Week!

So many exciting things going on in my life! I had a crazy week last week being a juror. I was chosen for a week case.... It was very frustrating being away from school and my kids for a week, but it was actually pretty interesting.

Not to excited to go back to my classroom tomorrow- there is always a disaster after a sub, and after having a sub for a week! Ugh!!

I have so many things that I will be placing in my classroom this week- stay tuned for pics and blogs. :) 

Have a very blessed week!

Friday, September 23

Bucket List

I was listening to WAYFM on my way to work last week and they were talking about Bucket Lists.. It got me thinking of the movie, The Bucket List and how I  really loved the concept.
First of all I love making lists. Secondly, I love crossing things off my list even more.. :)

Regardless, it got me thinking of what I would have on my list... so why not make one. :) So here goes....

Children :)
Win a teaching award
Get a tattoo
Inspire someone...
Take a month vacation..
Visit Alaska
Own a boat
Scuba Dive
Doing all I can to make sure tons of kids have Christmas presents
Being able to donate at least 10,000 to a charity I believe in.
Help out with Extreme Home Makeover
Be a tourist in Central Park

Man, that's really short... I'm super late so I don't think my mind is thinking clearly...
Anyone have anything they think I should add to mine? Or anyone have anything super cool on there's that they would like to share?!

Wednesday, September 21

Crafts, crafts, crafts....

Okay- so I'm starving from barely having any food today so I must stop blogging and relax with dinner and Modern Family- new episode comes out tonight! Woohoo!! Before I go I wanted to post a few more of the crafts that I was able to complete this weekend.. Including my very own craft area! Yay :)

A old Lego/ car track storage table my mother gave me. 

 and now....... a storage area with a chalkboard top :)

 an old vase, with glued on pencils.....

 and now......... a pretty vase for flowers that you can put in the classroom. I think the measuring tape around the middle adds a cute touch. It also looked very pretty on my crafting desk :)
Sorry the picture isn't the best! 

 3 old frames from goodwill.....

and now...... two chalkboards and one bulletin board in crafting area. :) I just used chalkboard spray paint and pink spray paint. :)

I will be welcoming a new roomie in October so I needed to get all of my "crap" aka crafting stuff out of her room and I simply had no where to put it. My overly organized self wanted it all together so I decided to make a crafting area!

I moved the storage racks I have in my garage that holds my teaching loot and household items to the right. Took some pink paint that I had around the house. Used the chalkboard paint in the background just for added fun! Then I hung the new items added some extras and hooray!!!! A crafting area :)
I have to say I am very happy with the end results.. I can put all of my items in one area.. Enjoy!!!

Corn and Carrots

I love veggies. Now- fresh veggies are always the best, but most of the time my corn or carrots come from a can. If you look at the can it really is a pretty thing. I've always wanted to use them for something so in my garage I would clean them out and store them. Now don't worry- I'm not a crazy can lady.... I just thought "let me collect a few and try to find a use for them". I also did this with corks- which as you know I have already found a use for! :)
So, I collected a few.. cleaned them, ripped the labels off and decided I would make a pretty pen holder.
Now I was going to use just one- then it hit me.. I could totally put them together!!!
Just your simple cans...
I took some scrapbook paper I had around the house. Cut it to the size and super glued it on the can.

I covered all five in different scrapbook paper- already looks cute!

Then I tried a few different combinations and came up with this one. I did need to eat corn for dinner last night to put the last one on top! :)

ALMOST final product.. I didn't get to take a picture with the last can on top. I decorated in cute "teacher" scrapbook paper. then I loaded it up with pens and other things my students will need in the Writers Workshop area in our classroom. I think it looks super cute and it was so easy to make. Yay! One of my favorite things about this is you can use it on it's side- like in the picture. OR you can put it up right! Double cute!!

 I will post a final picture tomorrow. :)

Monday, September 19

I wish we had 5 day weekends...

I have sooo many new things to share! It was a very busy weekend full of projects and being sick. Probably to many projects and not enough sleep- hence still being sick! Boo! BUT, I am very excited to share all my new items asap... Must get some sleep tomorrow so I'm ready for school tomorrow.. Promise to write tomorrow- Stay tuned!!

UPDATE: Totally broke my "No spending" rule this weekend... I couldn't help it- I became inspired... but my wallet is probably not happy.. :) 

Friday, September 16

End of the week update:

It's FRIDAY! Woohoo :)
Day 5 with my No Shopping rule. I can successfully say that the only thing I have spent money on all week is photos from Walmart of my kids in my class- for my classroom. A bagel- if I didn't have it Wednesday morning I wouldn't of been able to make it through the day. Lastly, McDonalds this morning- but it was a good cause.
Now, I know I wasn't giving up spending money in general all week- just clothes, accessories and household decor etc. But, it's nice to know that I've only spent about $15 dollars all week! How much have you spent?!

I think I may give myself another week of my no spending rule... Let's see how it goes :)

Next update:I did the Drive Thru Difference this morning.. I decided I would stop at the McDonalds in West Palm by my work.. As I was driving up I had the nervous butterflies in my stomach.. I get them every time for some reason. I'm waiting in line, I'm ordering and no one was behind me!!!! I was so upset bc I didn't even want the McDonalds- I just wanted to make a difference. Right as I'm getting my credit card back- I was super bummed- a lady pulled up behind me. I quickly handed my card back and asked the teller if I could pay for the women behind me. She looked at me and gave me the sweetest smile, she was obviously familiar with what I was doing... Which is AMAZING!! That means people are doing it :) Anyways, I paid for both of us.. drove forward.. and I'm anxiously watching in my rear view window for her reaction... As I drove off I could see her reading the letter the teller had given her.. I'm so thankful I got to see her smile and talk with the teller about the situation. I instantly started to cry. It was such an over whelming experience... I didn't talk to her, she didn't say thank you. I just knew God put her behind me this morning for a reason.. He used me to get through to her!! I held on to that feeling all day and I am still consumed with happiness....It was a really good day.. Hope yours was too!!!

Wednesday, September 14

Here's YOUR chance to make a difference...

I'm always looking for ways to change the world.. Being one person its hard to change everyone... But what if you could make a difference in just one persons life.. YOU CAN!
On Friday, you can make a difference and show a stranger that you care about them. It might just be the thing that lifts them up on a bad day or gives them hope when they feel like there is no where else to turn. Please consider joining WAYFM and myself in doing the Drive Thru Difference. It's the simplest way to give back to your community and to make a difference in someones day. This little act of kindness and love will impact people and point them to Jesus. <3

Here's how it works:

  • PRINT out this note explaining why you did what you did in the drive thru.
  • VISIT a local restaurant or coffee place or whatever, with a drive thru.
  • ORDER your food and then when you pull around to the window offer to...
  • PAY for the car behind you.
  • GIVE the person at the window the note you printed out. They will give it to the car behind you.
  • THANK God you were given a chance to touch a life.

I can't wait to send out some love and eat my Egg McMuffin on Friday morning. I hope you will do the same and let me know how it goes! Happy Hump Day :)

Tuesday, September 13

It's the simple things that make ya happy...

I was getting super annoyed that I didn't have a place to store all of my headbands.. so I made one :)
I love random craft ideas and I truly love being able to find a use for the corks I've been saving! Yay!
Such an easy project and it holds about 8 headbands..

**Corks will be painted a light blue eventually :) Yay!

Monday, September 12

Weekly Challenges- No Shopping!!!!

I will not shop at Anthropologie this week!!!
I have a serious case of the "impulse shopper syndrome." I will go into Target for toothpaste and come out with over $100 in goodies.. Recently money has been a little tight and when that happens you really sit back and realize what you are spending... WASTING... your money on. I sometimes spend so much money without even realizing what I'm spending it on.. Do I really need that colorful binder, the US Weekly, or those pink socks? NO and NO and NO! It's time to stop shopping when I'm bored, or sad, or just going out to buy something to buy something!! So ridiculous. Does anyone constantly do this or is it just me!?

So this week I vow not to buy any personal items- clothing, hair accessories, jewelry.. etc.. As well as no home decor purchases... To some this sounds very easy, and I truly hope it is.. but I have a feeling it will be harder then I think- especially when the weekend comes around.

Thankfully today I didn't do any shopping so I'm already one day down- 6 to go!!! Haha Wish me luck!!

Sunday, September 11


Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” ♥


Happy Sunday! It's 9/11.. A day filled with such sadness.. I'm a firm believer that tragedies happen so that something good can happen out of it. I honestly must believe that in order to move on from all of the tragedies that have surrounded me this last year.
Thankful for today and for all of the good things that are happening in my life.. I will be spending it on the couch being sick with Madden.. Still very thankful.

"I wanna get serious for a moment.."

Friday, September 9

You can't win them all :)

Okay, so I wanted to share something that made my heart so happy today. If you read my blog from this morning I gave myself a daily goal to encourage all 21 of my students and 3 adults.

When I arrived at school I was still thinking about the word encourage... I decided to use it for my morning writing. The topic was... "Who encourages you...." As you can see from the picture.

So I wrote it on the morning letter with the definition of encourage: to inspire with confidence; give hope or courage to
Most of the kids quickly got to work and when they left to go to fine arts I told them to leave their writing journals open on their desk so I could read their amazing work....  Now I know this isn't the best picture... But, if you look closely it says... (I fixed his spelling for you below)

"Trey encourages me"
so Miss Poundstone tries but no use. My friend Trey is the one who encourages me. He has been with me since kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.... 

I just about died laughing....  at least I TRY to encourage all of my students.. Doesn't mean I actually do it :) 
All in all I had a great time with the kids- I do believe I successfully encouraged at least 20 of them :) Happy Friday!!!!!!  

Make today count...

If you do anything today, anything at all- encourage someone. For the most part we see the same people everyday. At home, at work, doing our daily routines. Have you ever thought to stop and say
"Hey how are you?"
"You are doing a great job"
"I appreciate you and what you do"

We truly never know what is going on in someones life. I have personally put on a smile and a fake attitude more times then I would like to admit..  My point is... you never know how much that person could use your inspiring words at that moment, that second. 

My Daily Challenge: encourage all 21 of my students today and at least 3 adults. Wish me luck!!!

This is one of my favorite websites... a whisper between kisses it encourages and inspires me everyday... <3  Enjoy!!!


Thursday, September 8

A year from now you may have wish you started today...

I always set goals.. give myself deadlines... write down my dreams and passions...
What I don't always do is follow through with them. Time for a change...

I'm giving myself a new 30 day goal...
Keep posted for more :)

Saturday, September 3

New Start- New Day- New Life....

So a long time ago I started to blog.. well life eventually got in my way and I simply forgot how much I enjoyed it. I just re-did my blog.. deleted old posts... time for change... Stay tuned!!

Thursday, September 1

Paint can do wonders.

I love that I'm the type of person that decides to paint my bedroom at 5 o'clock and by 6 I already had one wall done. I painted my bedroom a dark, deep blue when I moved in about five years ago. I recently painted the rest of the house lighter shades so it was definitely time to change up the bedroom too. I only finished two and a half walls today, but I already feel better and more relaxed... Can't wait to finish :) I totally recommend running to home depot, grabbing a color and just doing it! Try it :)